What is diabetic gastroparesis

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Diabetic gastroparesis is a disorder caused by a problem with your metabolism. While this is usually marked with the issue of blood sugar levels, can lead to other problems such as diabetic gastroparesis. This is a condition in which the stomach empty properly, which can cause a number of health problems other than diabetes itself.

Gastroparesis is a result of damage to the vagus nerve. It is responsible for the regulation of the digestive tract and the muscles involved in food processing. Diabetic is the leading cause of gastroparesis due to impaired nerve leads to chemical changes as well as damage to blood vessels that support nerve endings with oxygen and nutrients. As such, it can easily damage the vagus nerve.

Gastroparesis can cause more serious health problems such as a bacterial infection if just sit undigested food in the stomach and the spoils. Also, it can form a hardened lump called a bezoar, which can then contribute to blockage in the intestines.

Gastroparesis is a health hazard that arises because the remaining food in the digestive tract for more than the normal time period. Under normal circumstances, the abdominal muscles constantly contract, to move forward, the food is ingested through the small intestine. This movement is controlled by the vagus nerve, which when broken results in bouts of gastroparesis.

When the normal function of the vagus nerve is obstructed, the muscles of the stomach and the intestine can't digest the food ingested as quickly as needed. Slowly move food down the digestive tract, or sometimes, even stop moving, preventing an effective absorption of nutrients and the bowel undigested food. Stagnation is also triggered a blood sugar level that is erratic and inhibit nutrition.

This happens when the vagus nerve the nerve that controls the movement of food through the digestive tract) are damaged or stop working. When this happens the movement of food may be slowed or stopped. For the cells to take up glucose, pancreas must produce insulin. However, for people with diabetes, the pancreas produces insulin no less.

This means that the cells do not take glucose to produce energy and to perform the functions required of them. Glucose builds up in the blood and eventually pass through the urine. To help protect the people from the problem, many doctors prescribed Reglan for people with gastroparesis.

Stagnation or fermentation of undigested food in the stomach creates the right environment for the growth of bacteria. This causes the food to digest to harden into a solid mass or a bezoar. The resulting obstruction in the stomach to block part of the components of food into the small intestine. Due to gastroparesis results in an unexpected bowel movements and the absorption of nutrients, blood glucose levels become difficult to control.

Diabetic gastroparesis, if ignored could trigger life threatening fluctuations in blood glucose levels and malnutrition. The attack of fatigue and weight loss take a toll on quality of life. This delayed gastric emptying disorders need to be dealt with in time, and most important, treatable with proper diet. Diabetic has been observed as potential triggers.

This is particularly important for diabetics to monitor the amount of blood glucose regularly and overcome any abnormalities immediately. There are cases of diabetic gastroparesis, where the cause of the condition is unknown even after the diagnostic test. Along with diet, the doctor may also recommend certain medications like metoclopramide and domperidone to treat digestive problems.

This oral tablets encourages the body to contract your stomach muscles, thus increasing the rapid movement of food through the stomach. If nothing works, operations performed in which the size of the part that connects the stomach to the small intestine, increased. Surgical procedures helps to stimulate the movement of food from the stomach to the intestines.

Diagnostic measures include endoscopy, under the influence of tranquilizers. The endoscope is inserted through the mouth and down the esophagus, guided to the stomach. In ultrasound, sound waves help to get rid of gall bladder disease and pancreatitis, before defining the form of abdominal organs and the extent of the damage.

In the method of barium x-rays, oral consumption of the barium coats the stomach, highlighting the infected areas on x-ray. Diabetic gastroparesis emptying scintigraphy involves oral consumption of the isotope, while involves swallowing a small device inside the capsule. Both of these actions help the doctor diagnostics to identify the concerns of the abdominal area and the level of damage to the vagus nerve. This condition is also diagnosed with one, or a combination of x-rays and manometry.